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Fellowship Board:

Barbara Sosson
President and Treasurer

Nina Martino
Vice President

John Formicola
Vice President and
Collection Co-Curator

Rachel Citrino
Vice President and

Collection Co-Curator

Sandra Benhaim

Vice President 


James Brantley



Mostafa Darwish

Virtual Gallery Director

Pat Nugent
Rosemont College Gallery

Nicole Maye Luga


Varvara Fern


Fellowship Advisors:

Sharon Ewing
Former Owner/Director of
Gross McCleaf Gallery

Lisa Tremper Hanover
Museum Consultant

Gaby Heit
Art Consultant/Curator

Rhoda Rosenberg
Professor of Printmaking,
School of the Museum of Fine
Arts/Tufts, Boston; PAFA Alumni


Rebecca Segall
Owner/Director of Gross McCleaf Gallery


Heike Rass

Marketing & Art Consultant


© Copyright, 2023, The Fellowship of the
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts,
Philadelphia, PA
All rights reserved. No portion of this
publication may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any means without
permission from the Fellowship.


The Fellowship of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts is
one of the oldest Alumni art nonprofit organizations in America. It is staffed solely by volunteers, who all work pro bono year round which speaks of the impressive loyalty and dedication of our board.

We are an independent entity, with its sole purpose to benefit all PAFA Family.

On Monday evening, April 19, 1897, approximately five hundred people met in the Pennsylvania Academy lecture room to form an organization of alumni that would come to be known worldwide as The Fellowship of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. They came together at the behest of Edward H. Coates, President of the Academy, and Harrison S. Morris, Managing Director. The idea had been endorsed by 32 prominent artists. Robert Vonnoh, a former student and later Academy instructor, suggested that a notice be sent to several thousand alumni.

After 126 years the Fellowship is still going strong and is proud to celebrate this year’s Annual Exhibition at the Patricia Nugent Gallery at Rosemont College from October 19 through November 17, 2023. This year our Juror was Paul Efstathiou, Contemporary Director of the Hollis Taggart Gallery in New York. He has selected all the art work and the awards. The works are for sale in the gallery through Michael Willse, Gallery Director and on our virtual gallery.

The exhibition displays 48 works all by Academy Fellowship Members. Miriam Seidel Gave a Gallery Talk on November 4th from 4 to 5 p.m. A video of the entire show will be created after the opening and appear on our website. Members will be notified with the link.

Thank you again Paul Efstathiou, our Juror. Thanks also to Mostafa Darwish, our Virtual Gallery Director for his creation of our virtual gallery website all year long and to David Heshmatpour for his professional help with theinstallation.

I especially thank our Fellowship Board of Directors and Advisors who help make our organization a great support for PAFA Alumni, especially John Formicola, Rachel Citrino, Sandra Benhaim, Patricia Nugent and Rebecca Segall our most recent Fellowship Advisor.

We remain, Artists Helping Artists!
Barbara Sosson
Fellowship President

Video Edited and made by Barbara Sosson

Please click the Button above to view the full pdf Annual Fellowship Exhibition 2022 catalog

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